
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. And we believe the photos of our Moosehead cedar log homes speak volumes. Whether you’re gleaning inspiration for the exterior of your own log home or looking for specific ideas for an interior space, such as a great room, kitchen, or bathroom, you’re sure to find it in our photo gallery.

 The images in each category showcase the timeless beauty of log homes, as well as the quality craftsmanship and attention to detail that define Moosehead homes. From cozy cabins nestled in the woods to spacious lakeside retreats, each photo reveals the range of possibilities and incomparable experience of log home living.

 As you explore these real, client-owned homes, remember that your Moosehead home will be specifically tailored to meet your family’s unique preferences and lifestyle. So, gather ideas, and let your imagination take the lead. Your dream home can be everything you envision and more — and, who knows, it might just find its place in this photo gallery one day soon.

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Log cabin with porch and autumn trees
Medium cedar log home
large cedar log home
Extra large cedar log home