What’s Included

Having the right expectations is crucial for a successful and enjoyable building experience, especially when it comes to understanding what’s included in your cedar log home package.

In the log home industry, the terms “log home package,” “log home kit,” and “log shell kit” are commonly used, but their meanings can vary widely. One company might include a certain set of components, while another company offers something totally different. Misunderstandings because of this variation can lead to stressful and costly delays. For example, you might think you’re purchasing a full package only to discover essential building supplies are missing when you need them.

All About Our Log Packages

Moosehead Cedar Log Home Delivery Truck

At Moosehead, we eliminate that worry. Our complete standard log package is one of the most comprehensive in the industry. We provide a clear list of our package contents, grouped according to their categories, so you know exactly what you’re getting when you choose a Moosehead home. (And because transparency is important to us, we are happy to detail what isn’t included, too.)

 We invite you to do a side-by-side comparison of our package or we’ll perform one for you with details. We’re confident you’ll see the Moosehead difference.

From the Ground Up

materials infographic
    1. 2x6 Pressure Treated (PT) Sill Plate with Sill Seal

    2. 2x10 KD Joists and Girders (#2 Grade or Better)

    3. 3/4" Advantech Subfloor

    4. 2x8 PT Porch/Deck Floor Joists, Sills, and Headers (#2 Grade or Better)

    5. 5/4" Cedar Decking (Trex available)

    1. Timeless Original 6x6 White Cedar Wall Logs. Foam Gasket, Caulking, Splines, and Fasteners included. Optional log sizes available.

    2. Window and Door Bucks at all Log Wall Openings

    3. White Cedar Siding and Pre-Cut False Log Corners for Dormer (if framed and sided), Floor Framing and Deck Skirting

    4. Square or Round Wall Bracing/Support Posts with Hardware as Needed

    1. 2x4/2x6 KD Partition Framing Throughout

    2. 1x6 T&G Pine Partition Paneling Throughout

    3. 1x4 Pine Trim Boards

    4. #1 Grade 4x8/6x8 or Round Timber Ceiling Joists with Optional Hangers

    5. 2x6 T&G Spruce Loft Flooring

    1. Square or Round Pre-Cut Purlins

    2. Square or Round Log Trusses (Square trusses come precut with optional hardware)

    3. 1x6 T&G Pine Paneling First Roof Deck

    4. 15# Felt Paper to cover Pine

    5. Foil Faced Foam Insulation (4" standard with optional upgrades)

    6. 1x3 Strapping 16" o.c. spanning two directions for proper ventilation

    7. 5/8" Zip System Roof Sheathing with Tape

    8. Architectural Roof Shingles with Drip Edge, Ridge Vent, and Cap

    9. 1x10/1x4 Pine Fascia and Frieze Board

    10. 4x8 Timber Rafters over Porch

    11. 1x6 T&G Pine First Roof Layer over Porch

    12. 5/8" Zip System Roof Sheathing with Tape over Porch

    13. 2x Conventional Rafters and/or Pre-Manufactured Trusses (not shown) are optional

    1. Andersen 400 Series Windows with Screens and Hardware

    2. Andersen 400 Series Gliding and/or French Doors with Screens and Hardware

    3. Pre-hung Fiberglass and/or Steel Exterior Doors with Lock Sets

    4. Pre-hung Solid Six-Panel Pine Interior Doors with Hardware

    5. All Interior/Exterior Window and Door Trim (Interior Pine, Exterior Cedar)

    1. Stair Systems to Loft and Basement using Square/Round Timbers or Conventionally Framed with Southern Yellow Pine Treads

    2. Square or Round Railings at Loft, Stairs, Decks, and Porches

    3. Square or Round White Cedar Porch Posts with Optional Posts to Grade at Daylight Basement per plans

close up infographic

1-4: Insulation Package

  1. Modern Rustic Solid Log Wall

  2. Foil Faced Insulation (1/2”-2” options)

  3. 1x3 Strapping at 16” o.c.

  4. 1x6 T&G Cedar Paneling (optional 1x8 T&G Pine)

Make it Your Own

Customizing Your Package

log home with covered front porch

Tailoring each log home package to our clients is a service we’re proud to offer. We provide the flexibility to create a custom package, allowing you to swap in (or out) any materials you prefer. Perhaps you’d like a metal roof rather than the standard shingle roof included in our package. Or maybe you’d like to include cedar shakes on your dormers and a stone skirting around your foundation.  While these factors depend on building location, and may be provided by other manufacturers, ensuring you get exactly what you want — and nothing you don’t — is our top priority.